Autoticking Bot

Conda-forge is a community led collection of recipes, build infrastructure and distributions for the conda package manager which makes it easy for developers to build and upload packages to the conda-forge channel. This allows users to install and start using packages simply by running conda install <package_name>. Conda-forge stores each package’s recipe in a separate GitHub repository, called a feedstock. When a recipe is updated and pushed to the feedstock, a build of the conda package is triggered, allowing users to conda install the most recent version or build of the package. Traditionally, updating the recipe on each release has been the job of a group of recipe maintainers. Putting this responsibility solely on recipe maintainers, however, results in some feedstocks being neglected and left outdated, as maintainers may not remember to bump the feedstock version when a new version of the source code is released or may not even be aware of a new version since in many cases recipe maintainers are not developers on the source code. To solve this, the conda-forge autotick bot was created to track out-of-date feedstocks and issue pull requests with updated recipes.

The bot tracks and updates out-of-date feedstocks in four steps:

  1. Find the names of all feedstocks on conda-forge.
  2. Compute the dependency graph of packages on conda-forge found in step 1.
  3. Find the most recent version of each feedstock’s source code.
  4. Open a PR into each out-of-date feedstock updating the meta.yaml for the most recent upstream release.

These steps are run on Travis CI from four different GitHub repos as daily cron jobs, so a different worker runs every six hours. The dependency graph is saved in the regro/cf-graph repository, and any changes made to the graph while the bot runs are pushed to this repo using doctr. While doctr is generally used to deploy docs from Travis CI to GitHub pages, it is able to push the contents of any directory to a specified repo. So, by including doctr deploy --token --built-docs . --deploy-repo regro/cf-graph --deploy-branch-name master . in the .travis.yml of the worker repos, the bot can push the files it modified to the master branch of the regro/cf-graph repository.

Dependency Graph

To keep track of the packages on conda-forge and determine if they need to be updated, the bot stores the dependency graph of conda-forge packages. The dependency graph is a directed graph in which each node represents a package and the edges represent dependencies between packages. For example, scipy requires numpy to run, so the dependency graph has an edge from numpy to scipy. Here is the dependency graph for all packages on conda-forge, visualized using HoloViews and Bokeh:


The graph is created using NetworkX, which allows additional attributes to be stored in each node. This lets the bot to keep track of all important feedstock metadata in the graph. So, the graph is able to store the current version of the feedstock on conda-forge and the most recent version of the source code, letting the bot determine which packages need to be updated.

Storing this information in a graph allows us to observe the relationships between packages on conda-forge. This can give interesting information such as the most depended upon packages. Storing the dependency graph is also useful if feedstocks need to be visited in dependency order, i.e. a package must be visited before any package that depends on it. This comes up in triggering rebuilds of dependency chains. When a package is rebuilt, if ABI compatibility is not guaranteed, other packages that depend on it must be rebuilt as well, but a needs to be rebuilt after all of its dependencies, so it is important to traverse the graph in order.

In conda-smithy 3, a recent release of conda-smithy, a central configuration file is used for the build matrices and versions of specific packages. This configuration file handles pinning of packages, so recipes no longer need to manually pin versions. When a new ABI version of a package in central pinning is released, the central pinning file will be updated, and feedstocks with a dependency on that package need to be rebuilt.

To make sure that feedstocks are visited in the correct order, nodes are grouped by the length of their longest path to the source node from central pinning. Any nodes that have the same longest path length cannot depend on each other, so it is safe to rebuild them simultaneously. So to trigger rebuilds properly, the bot can issue PRs into all feedstocks with the same longest path length updating the build number (thus triggering a rebuild), and wait for all PRs to be merged before moving to the next path length. I recently opened a PR which was merged to find the longest path to each node in the graph from a specified starting node, allowing the bot to properly group feedstocks.